We have come to a unique place in our nation after some 248 years. Those living according to natural law; according to the mores of the past; generally by Judea-Christian values, etc., in exasperation, find there is no longer a basis for communication between our disparate tribes; between the right and left as we like to term it. There is now no common ground; neither is it sought. Our cities are 3rd World. Our congress is completely ineffectual. Our judicial system has its hand on the scales.

We listen and find the legacy media, the administration, the president (to the degree he is even able) to be in a polar universe. There is no longer absolute truth, right or wrong. Moral ambivalence, immorality define entertainment, business, health care, and politics. Every aspect of human endeavor. We daily watch our justice system litigate unjustly.

Much of what we see and hear on a daily basis defies common sense and is obviously harmful, pure lie, and deceitful. What’s more it’s pure evil. From the Bible we are told “powers and principalities” are really whom our war is with. The spiritual powers of real evil that lead men around to do evil as if they had hooks in their noses. You can see it. My opinion is one aspect of the derangement we see is God taking His hand off of us as a nation — the beginning of judgment.

None of this relativism is hIstorically new. But it is rampant here now and has been incubating for a long time and only increasing. Our unique founding shown as a bright light among the nations for hundreds of years was always at risk. As BF answered, “a republic ma’am…if you can keep it.” It demands a moral and knowledgeable voting public and we now have neither. The same is true of those people we put into office. About every other day it’s downright embarrassing as to the stupidity, the incompetence, the vitriol we see expressed. So we are losing that republic and no one president or administration will reverse it. Slow it, perhaps, policy-wise. This is really an unseen spiritual battle most are completely blind to. Note, that there will be nothing withheld to keep Trump out of the presidency. Nothing. People talk about Black Swan events, some almost unbelievably large event(s) that will be used to change perceptions, limit freedom, grab and hold peoples’ attention, or worse — don’t be surprised.

The church weakened and its influence waned for multiple reasons over the past seventy years. In religion (the Christian faith) a prolific writer and noted theologian, John Walvoord, once stated that “liberalism” in the church always leads to heresy. The corollary is that in government it always leads to chaos, lawlessness, and totalitarianism. Man’s inclination without being led by God’s commandments leads to a literal survival of the fittest and the control of all, meaning you and me. The elites and the masses.

So what? Even most of those older than four decades who don’t pay attention sense a general deterioration. Those who do have very good reasons to be very concerned, even alarmed.

In my Christian faith’s eschatology, the immoral trajectory combined with both geopolitical and technological developments, I see what the Bible calls the Tribulation on the horizon. The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, a period where there will be never before seen levels of violence, “natural” disasters, warfare, pestilence, famine and death,…and persecution of the Jews. This is a period of God’s wrathful judgment of unbelievers and the process of calling out a remnant from Israel.

Next week or ten years from now, I don’t know and nobody does.

My last word: the above is coming. But when? There is a way out. It’s what we celebrate now, on Easter (a pagan celebration and a misnomer for Christians). It’s the shed blood, death and resurrection of Christ which will pay for the believers’ sins. Those is no other way.

Francis Schaeffer, a 20th cent theologian and philosopher, stated that if he had but an hour to explain the Gospel to someone, he’d spend 55 minutes in Genesis and 5 minutes on John 3:16. You have to know how you came to be here and why you are in the condition of sin you are to understand the need for a savior, Jesus Christ.