There is no such thing as Judeao-Christian values. Jews smirk at that expression but let it go. The new covenant overwrote the old. Jews hate everything Jesus represents. But they like goyim thinking they are Gods Chosen People, especially the Zionist savages who require our spiritual backing and financial support to even survive. They have just about severed that crucial life line now in Gaza; thank God. Christianity is the antithesis of Talmudic Judeo belief. America was not founded as a Christian nation, technically. The founders were, for the most part, well educated aristocrats who based their ideals on classical civilizations, Greece and Rome, English common law, all seen broadly through a Christian lens. After centuries of religious strife between warring Christian factions, they wanted nothing more of that! When you read from colonial times about diversity, it was raw intolerance. Irreconcilable religious (cultural) differences were, in fact, the basis of all the separate, but equal, states. The English of Virginia complained of the "wild Irish" and "sour Germans." They hadn't seen nothing yet! The 2000 year evolution of Christian thought itself is a recent and short lived tradition in light of other religions, not to mention much broader ancient concepts of God. Such perspective isn't widely condoned among many believers today, who find such evidence impossible to resolve within the bounds of their faith. Pity...