Do you believe the story the earth is only 6000 years old? What is your reference for this belief and can you explain it rationally?

I know of the biblical references that supposedly support this belief, but as I have explained many times on this site- I am a believer in the bible but I don't take everything in the bible as literal fact. It is evident much of the bible is allegory and metaphor meant to convey a message. Where things get tricky is knowing what is factual and what is not. Keep in mind that in 1616 Galileo was chastised and imprisoned by the church for heresy because he believed the earth and all the planets revolved around the sun instead of the earth being the center of the universe, as the church believed at the time. There are myriad examples over time that show discrepancies in biblical stories but I don't feel that should affect the true meaning that is being conveyed by biblical stories.

To further complicate this discussion, what other discrepancies in church teachings or biblical stories have you read that disprove some of the church beliefs but are insufficient to dim your belief in God's written word or has impacted your view of how to envision the Bible and, in the larger picture , your view of Christianity over the millennia.

I think we have beat the Moses and the Ark story to death a bit already...

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