A gun shop I have frequented for more than a quarter century had "Retumbo" powder on their shelf for the first time in MANY years this past Friday - sadly it was $72.00 per pound with a limit of two pounds!
Well I do NOT use this powder but I have two friends that have asked me to look for it for them - I carry a want list of items in my wallet for friends who ask me to be on the lookout for hard to find items during my travels.
Anyway I was SO disappointed in this shop over this obvious "price gouging" that I did NOT even try calling my friends to see if they were willing to go this exorbitant price.
I have heard rumors that this powder is used by the military and has caused this long time shortage - I don't know?
BUT.... I do know I will not have any part of $72.00 for a pound of reloading powder.
Sad situation on a couple of levels.
Rant over.
Hold into the wind