Originally Posted by Ringman
We know that fossils and oil and diamonds still have carbon 14 in them. The half-life of carbon 14 is about 5,000 years. That means the carbon 14 would be completely decade into nitrogen in a few thousand years.
Nitrogen present in diamonds and oil can be converted to C14 by particles emitted by radioactive elements in the Earth's crust. C14 decays into C12 not nitrogen.

Originally Posted by Ringman
Just last week I heard a scientists who didn't believe that. So, he started with the idea the entire earth being carbon 14 and did his own calculations. He was amazed at the FACT.
Citation needed. Who is this scientist, what are his qualifications and what did he not believe? If the entire earth was C14 it would likely be a ball of plasma from the heat produced by the radioactive decay. He was amazed at what fact? This is incoherent.

Originally Posted by Ringman
What we do know is in order to produce a fossil the creature has to be buried quickly and away from scavengers. I read about a whale that died in about 100 feet of water. Scientists were delighted they would get to see it slowly covered by sediment. What they saw was in about ten years it was completely eaten by scavengers; even the bones. Notice no one points to buffalo bones becoming fossilized.
By the way, as I have pointed out to you in the past, after the great slaughter of the American bison some people made a living by gathering the bones to be ground into fertilizer. As you pointed out yourself; rapid burial is needed to produce fossils. Nothing in your post has anything to do with Noah.

One unerring mark of the love of the truth is not entertaining any proposition with greater assurance than the proofs it is built upon will warrant. John Locke, 1690