WoodsWalker; Sounds like you want a big pack but if you are not going to carry more weight than you say you could go either way; get a big CM pack or an oversize Sarc series. For the AT lighter would be better I suppose.

As for Brad's defense above, I would like to ask him what features of my packs he has experienced while using other packs. He has mentioned the thin belt, which is not all that 'thin' being 5/8" dense foam. It is not thin like Mountain Smiths' light thin Omnibelts on their light packs. He has not had 2 buckles on a belt. 2 buckles according to Brad, are there to make up for other deficiences of the belt. What packs have you experienced the BYPASS harness on? Since Brad has had experience with most of the features on my packs with other packs as he says, I would like for him to elaborate.[ The simple truth is these features are not to be found on other packs.

I don't buy this idea that just because someone labels what they say as opinion, that the opinion should go unchallenged. If someone wants to speak about things they really have no knowledge of, they should expect to be challenged. If you don't have time for this Brad, maybe you should learn to be more accurate in what you say. As far as taking offense; If something is way inaccurate everyones lights should go off. You have been all over the map. The things you have said in this thread are a cut and paste from what you said at Backpacker.com at the same time last year.

I don't have time either, so I don't buy your sob story about being behind in building your house. I am way behind after a motorcycle/scooter crash in February that totaled the bike and broke my left arm and wrist and tore up my left shoulder. I have hardly lost a day of work though, and have plenty of time for you. Here's the quote from you Brad; "There's no way in hell I'd spend what McHale wants for one of his packs when most of the features on his packs are something that I've already used in one fashion or another and found didn't work for me."

I should say too, I'm not here to sell you a pack Brad, or anyone else here for that matter. People use these sites for research. I just want things to be real. I've got more business than I know what to do with. That won't stop me in my little quest to keep people truthful though. Thin skinned you accuse me of being? You mis-characterize me as much as the packs. I am not any more TS than most people here. You just keep dishing out stuff that's more than questionable. You can't seem to defend yourself without creating more untruths. There are only a handful of people that have posted here, but I have no doubt I am speaking for many, otherwise I would not bother.

Last edited by McHalesNavy; 04/03/08.