Your hypothetical scenario will no doubt come to pass one day. If that were about to happen I would start organizing Freemen to resist. I doubt that such a scenario will occure in the near future,perhaps 10 to 20 years out at a minimum.<P>With the majority of our population living in cities and such, not being exposed to the uses of firearms as most country folks are, city dwellers will only see the "BAD" things occurring with firearms thanks to the media. This will turn the "Majority" of Americans against guns and their owners.<BR>( your a bunch of blood thirsty animals ya know ...LOL ).<P>Public sediment will demand that guns be abolished or restricted even further. Perhaps you will see that all firearms must be registered and you are only allowed X amount of rounds per year. This is only the beginning of the end folks!<P>With guns being looked upon as a major problem and with all the media anti gun hype you wacko's will be doomed. Scary thought isn't it!<P>I do think this will happen eventually.<P>With the "majority" of Americans becoming anti gun there will be fewer gun owners in the future, thus you will be a minority and no, you don't get extra ammo just because you are a minority in this scenario.<P>Eventually the goverment passes a law forbiding the owership of firearms and offers to pay you for them. 10 cents on the dollar if your lucky. <P>Now you have a choice, turn them in and get a couple bucks, hide them for hell comes the day and risk prison or take a stance and say, You want them, come and pry my finger off the trigger!<P>In reality, most people, if they are not hungry and left out in the cold and have some kind of life are going to say, hey give me a couple of bucks. Sad but True!<P>The problem I see with this is that once you have given up your guns you are truely at the mercy of your goverment.<P>I am a firm beleaver in trusting my goverment as much as they trust me. Guess what, they don't me so I don't trust them!<P>I recall a post awhile back where one fellow said, "When I was in the service I had an M-16, a M-60 and various other weapons. Now that I am no longer in the service I can no longer be trusted with such weapons."<P>If push comes to shove, I don't have a problem killing a fellow American for what I beleave in.<BR> <BR>Just think back to the civil war and the reasons for it.<P>Have a good day all.<P>

Jester/Alfa 99Gang