Hey folks, here is a suggestion that I thought was a great idea:

We could have a "caliber" box pass, and say, call it 100 .30 caliber bullets. You take 15 (enough for 5 three-shot groups or 3 five-shot groups), replace it with 15 of another weight/brand/constructions) etc., and move on. If you had a box of 150 with ten variations of 15 .30 cal bullets, a guy could do a lot of damage at the range and replace them with bullets that his guns didn't like.

Any other thoughts?

Of course, any stupidity like using the wrong caliber bullet in your gun (because it was put in the wrong box, would of course be your own fault. No liability to others, yadda yadda lawyer stuff...

Faith and love of others knows no mileage nor bounds. That's simply the way it is.

After the game is over, the king and the pawn go into the same box.
Italian Proverb