Well, doot it all anyway.

First time I've checked in a coupla years, and this is happening. The outdoor writing world is gonna slide backward, ya can bet!!!! sick

From now on, 7X57's won't kill nothin', .257 Roberts'll only kill anemic groundhogs, I'll hafta mount super-expensive Martian 12X96 optics with crosshairs yanked off'n a snow leopard's ass on my new GunMagazine.396 Super-Dooper, and comparative recoil will become totally disassociated from any verifiable physics.

I know this, because John Barsness wrote well on these subjects, in a pair of magazines, which I've been reading since the US Army cut me loose around 1972. I still have Carmichael's slender little volume, Just Jim, and remember well, his story about the first organizational meeting Rifle Mag held. It was a pantheon of the best.

And John, since I made his acquaintance in the Wolfe Pub's, has shown as good a chops, style and creds as anyone who ever wrote there. I mentally have sorta thot of him as a different technical version of the very knowledgeable Jim Carmichael. They share a common interest in real, live facts, and can write about them just dandy.

I rilly can't add much to all the foregoing messages, save that among the listed virtues, it has always seem'd to me that John is pretty fine human being, and is lucky in having a crackerjack partner. Will send their new website far and wide, as the best thank you I can give to one of the top notch contemporary gun scribes.

Happy Powder Smoke, and lots of it.


PS, to the general posters here, FWIW at large; my opinion, and nuthin else.

I do miss Seyfried. Whatever his reported face to face personality and the circumstances of his departing wuz, he still is unique. He reports on and does stuff no body else has touched.

And, I've kinda come to like Large Mike, for an apparent work ethic and attempting to do as good a job as can. His BP advice is knowledgeable. And while his 'everyman' "shoot this and report what happens" articles DO rehash ground other vintage writers did long ago, they may educate some of the newer kids, who didn't grow up reading the 1960's magazines chockablock fulla MIL-surp tests, conversions, adverts, wacky SouCal gunwriters and the rest.

All good, and peace thru superior firepower. Out.