I agree, tuning should not be an issue. At the same time, I can believe it could. There are a ton of weird people out there. I remember a few years ago, one of my clients showed up to camp with a new rifle, tags still on it. It was a little 243 wsm with a scope. Never shot, never out of the box as far as I am concerned. We wasted a day shooting and sighting in the rifle. Before it was over, we made the decision we needed to be as close as possible, anything farther than 100 yards was outta the question.
That being said and the points I have made, I can see how people would rather shoot mechs than to tune fixed heads, which we all know is no real issue.

Like most of you on here, I am hooked on fixed heads, the vortex put a bad taste in my mouth like the mechs Jeff had. In any event, I owe it to myself to try these rage heads out and see what they are made of. And if all they work for is Javelina, oh well at least I know I can use them for that.
I still have my Muzzy 4 blade 90 grain ready to go in the event that the Rage fail. But after what I have read and seen, I am not sure that will happen. If they do, then they'll (rage) be my Javelina heads.

thanks for the experience sharing Jeff. Can you tell us what heads you used or PM me the name soI can stay far away from the ones you used. Hopefully they weren't the Rage I am about to use.


Enrique O. Ramirez

"..faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see.." Hebrews 11:1