The northwoods big game skinner was made by marble arms from 2000-2001 and is shown in the 2000 catalog. It was dropped alnong with many other patterns after the management change in 2002/03 (same time period that Mike Stewart left and the blade steel change).

Just FYI- the current knives by Marbles Outdoors made from 2002 on are not of the same quality as the 1997-2001/02 period.

However, Dave at Northwoods knives did acquire some left over blade blanks and did put out a few of the Northwoods big game skinners hemself. This was years ago.

Passport, are you saying you have a Loveless trail knife for sale? TO awnser your question, I do not collect the older Marbles knives just the 1997-2002 models.
