My comments refer to the older style bullet/cartridges which I laid in a large supply of. It is an amazing bullet. Relatively large wound channel,little bloodshot meat, excellent penetration and few bullet fragments. If they had been available a bit sooner I would likely not own a .338. They are that good.

A 7mm 160 gr will do fine, you might even consider a lighter bullet if it shoot better in your rifle [i.e. my FW does not shoot the 180 TBBC HE load well so I use 165's in it]

Having used Bearclaws in 30-06 165 gr standard velocity, 180 gr standard velocity and 180 grain HE as well as 180 gr handloads They are plenty for elk.

I have also used .338 225 gr Std Velocity, HE and handloads and .358 225 gr factory and handloads.

I have only kept one Bearclaw in an animal, a doe mule deer running for the border. It was poorly hit and quartering away. I didn't lead it enough and it started at the lower rear leg and ended up under the skin after smashing the off shoulder. It looked like the pictures.