Really nice DJTex.
And great pictures as well.

Though i have never killed an Axis i have heard from two guys that have that the meat beats WhiteTail venison all day long in taste and tenderness.

Fwiw about ten years ago i was hunting on a ranch near Rock Springs in a tower stand about 80 yards from the next ranches fenceline(no i was not hunting the fenceline)when something near dark caught my eye in the very thick cedar.
After a minute or two i saw nothing and thought it was perhaps a bird flicking thru the brush.
It was getting near the end of legal shooting light when i looked back that way and saw what i thought was the biggest Whitetail buck that had ever lived!!
It gave me such a start that my temples throbbed from the adreneline rush.
Then of course looking at it with binoculars i realized it was an Axis.
Sure wished he would have been on our side of the fence because he was truely grand.