I guess if you shoot once a day at a trophy or something it's not a problem.

I have a state collection permit for research and have shot more deer in a day than some people will shoot in a lifetime, some anyway.

I like the ability to load up fully quickly. Pulling the mag out and loading it full takes quite a bit of time actually and is fidgity.

Again if you load up your 3 rounds (which is all that mine holds) that leaves 1 shot in the chamber and 2 in the mag. Once you shoot those 3 rounds you have to pull the mag and load it up again just for 3 shots. Seems clunky to me.

I can load a true blind box in 1/3 the time and have less probability of dropping something.

Like I said if you load up at daylight and sit there till dark and might shoot once at a deer then it's probably just fine. I would rather be able to load up full, shoot once and be able to top off.

I'm also guessing it's easier to load thru the port the longer the cartridge. With a short action cartridge I found it near impossible without a jam from the bolt with the cartridge jumping out of the mag. With a longer cartridge I'm guessing you could pull the bolt nearly back and shove in a round.

Otto is my co-pilot.