Originally Posted by Nebraska of all the suicides I've seen MOST (by far) have been folks on meds.

This is just wrong, and I doubt you
have any idea of true depression. Eg. many are on the wrong med.,or the wrong dose, or don't take them regularly enough. And since when is a medication a guarentee of perfect effect??
Nothing is obvious as to the best med. for each individual.
So how would your figures for suicides look if no one was on anti-depressants???


I think that 95% of people on meds are taking the easy way out and are apt to have a lot more trouble than if just dealing with their issues "unadjusted"....

There is NO easy way out. desperate people just follow their Doctors direction. Many don't even know they are clinically depressed but exibit symtoms known to Doctors. There would be many less suicides if more people got help quicker.