Euros aren't that hard if you have a 20-30qt pot and a fish cooker.

This must be done outside or the wifey will be slightly angry smile

-1 cup of powdered lemon scent dishwashing detergent per 10qt water.
-Remove the hide and the bottom jaw(I usually chop the jaw off with a hatchet)
-Bring water to a boil
-Set the head in the water with the horns above the water.
-Boil for 30 mins, remove, scrape off what you can, and put it back into the water for another 30 min.
-Remove from water, scrape again(I use an old fork), stir up the brain with a piece of stiff wire, and toss back into the water for another 30 min.
-Remove from water, scrape off everything, pull the remaining brains out through the rear of the skull, wash with a hose, and hang in the shop for a couple of weeks to dry.

I do several a year, heck, I usually have 3-4 in the pot at the same time.

The dishwashing detergent helps break down the flesh and also helps remove the oil from the bone to give a nice white look. If it's not white enough after dry, tape off the horns and paint the skull with flat white paint.

Good Luck
