If you ever see the word "feed" in a wood finish product throw it away. Period! The concept is beyond absurd and only done to confuse folks and pimp product.

Johnson's is a good wax and will hurt nothing. Do not use automotive waxes as they almost always have a lot of silicone in them. That will give you grief when you put on another coat of oil.

Oil finishes are basically oils, resins, waxes and solvents. Oils and resins build the finish layer, waxes help it flow out and look good while solvents make it easy to apply.

I like Bri-Wax better than Johnson's as it is harder, but it is also much glossier. Johnson's is good stuff and I would never hesitate to use it.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.