Hi Larry

Two houses down from mine lives a nice Muslim family. We talk frequently. They have a son in the Navy. They represent those followers of that religion that are wonderful people, deeply religious and loyal citizens of this country. They are very different from those members of radical Islam and they want to make sure that the neighborhood understands the difference.

If we read the fatwahs of various Imams we find a very different type of religious fervor, one that hates the Infidels (you and me) and one that has already justified our deaths, yours and mine, for merely being citizens of this country. While you and I, Larry, can discuss our viewpoints and pontificate loudly on our beliefs, the radicals of Islam have no tolerance and epitomize a religious totalitarianism that has no place within it for you and me. Radical Islam is the perfect definition of evil.

Radical Islam quotes passages from the Koran, interpretted to their point of view, that are chilling in the implications for any freedom loving country or people. Any means and all actions are justifiable to them to secure their vision of what the world should be. Need we recite again the countless acts of cowardly terrorism on their part, the hundreds and thousands of innocent lives slaughtered? If we are going to be effective in countering world wide or domestic terrorism we need to know our enemy.

Our posture in Iraq is frustrating for me as I see far too many good citizens swayed by the same liberal thinking that would have us believe that abortion and gay marriage somehow is justifiable. They would have us believe that our incursion into Iraq was revengeful, economically motivated or politically based. Now the evils of liberalism grasp the hand of the evils of Islam to work counter to the liberties and freedoms that we as people enjoy. While some of our fellow citizens revile the war in Iraq, they conveniently choose to ignore that the significant majority of their representatives signed on to combat Sadam and to reign in international terrorism.

If we deign to believe radical Islam is not the greatest threat to our way of life and to free peoples in the world then we are not worthy of the blood shed on our behalf by those that preceeded us and those that fight for our right to continue as the bastion of freedom. For his courageous decisions to prosecute this war I admire and follow my leader and President George Bush.

1,992 coyotes since 1964
1,000,000 rounds downrange
1,250,000 motorcycle miles