Originally Posted by bigblock455
Maybe hesRandy Wakemans's brother? Asks just like him.

naa. RW is about a 32nd higher on the food chain .
this person as i said is just a shadow walker . he has been pushed so far back from so many camp fires that the only real time he is seen is when it apears he can stur the pot some .

best thing to do is just ignore him ,. And yes i to find that hard to do at times .
but i can tell you all he will do is come back with one liners .

aahhh like the one he just posted .

BUT ===========================

to answer your question . any of the rifles listed will do the job and in most cases will be reliable . As with anything , there are good and bad in every production run .
Where the custom market shines is that you can have the rifle built for you ., to fit you in pull , cast , drop , sight placement , the whole ball of wax . You cant get that in the production lines . They are built for a standard average .
As such I would agree with the others here about going out and shouldering a few .
Your probably not going to see much difference tell you compare different companies or models within that company . But it will still give you a feel for what you need .
When you bring the rifle up to your shoulder , she should slide right into place .no pulling it back , no reaching for the trigger . ., you should be looking vetualy right down the sights . No hunting , no leaning your neck over , no leaning forward . Everything should be right there .
The thing with the traditions and CVA , is that they have very little drop , 0 cast and a shorter average pull . So many times when I see bigger folks shooting them , it kinda reminds me of the old VW commercial of Magic Johnson crawling into a VW rabbit . Sure he fit . Sure he could drive it . But he had to pretzelize himself to do it .

So my recommendation to you is to find a rifle , you like in your price range that you feel comfortable with . From there . We can help you set it up correctly or make needed changes , to increase the reliability . i also would take a serious look at the custom market . myself or many others here or on other boards could make you a rifle of much closer or proper in fit , depending on the price range that you would be willing to go . yes it would mean your spending more money . but IMO its money well spent .

but what ever you chose , good luck with it .

Last edited by captchee; 03/27/09.

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