Originally Posted by Magnumdood
Originally Posted by JacquesLaRami

I mean I don't really have nothin' against cops, it's just cops like you, GeneL, and Hunter1960, and a very few others that would be azzholes even if you were plumbers or somethin', that I don't like.

You, nor anyone on this board, has any idea of what kind of "cop" I was.

That's funny, some folks base their whole interpretation of people and the world, based on the Net. As you've stated they don't know you or I, nor how we perform our duties. They don't have a clue, as to what is good or bad in the business.

I guess they're assumption is that unless you let everyone go with warnings or turn your head to crime and tell people, "Please don't do that again, because I don't want to arrest you", your a good guy.

I'll remember that next time a victim's home has been burglarized, to tell them that the perpetrator is really a great person, who's been misunderstood. The same with Meth. cookers, they really didn't intend to do that, it's just the circumstances of which they were raised, and should get a free pass.

At the same time, they don't know the others that they assume are so called good guys, they've never spent a day on the street with them.

Jacques, you don't have a clue as to what is good or bad, other then what you read about in incidents on YouTube etc. You assume that if an LEO turns on the blue lights and makes traffic stops or makes arrests, they're bad. If they drive around and do nothing, but wave at the public all day or night, they're good. You assume unless you play "kissy ass" on the Net, then your a monster in public.

Considering where you live, you probably haven't seen or dealt with real crime. You live in a world of peace, love and harmony. This along with the fact that your only involvement with LE is with a uniformed LEO in a marked unit, who's stopped you for a traffic violation. That you feel you didn't commit or isn't really that important in your beliefs. That's only the tip of the iceberg as to what LE involves.