Originally Posted by JimBobwsm
I have personally put my hands on the rifles you are speaking of. The workmanship is super. Tim is a super gunsmith with countless hours of experience both building rifles and guiding hunters. Not mention an IQ of 160. Keep in mind the rifles on the Gun Rack are all for sale. They are not showy pictures that have been Photoshopped for the web site. They have all be tested for function and accuracy. Tim always pays extra attention to fit,finish, and bedding. It is Allan's job to make sure the best components go into a rifle and make sure they shoot. And man do they shoot. My 270wby will make bug holes with everything I throw in it.
Mr JimBob not saying Tim's not a super gunsmith not questioning that AT ALL Sir. All I'm saying is this the respected rifles on the GunRack that can be seen ALL of them does not have stock alignment discrepancies the ones that do I feel should not be sold or put on a rifle especially for that kind of money. I'm sure alot of you are doing well financially(Blessed) and may not care about what I'm speaking of here that's your prerogative wink .