Depending on where you are, you may find a local with horses that you can hire to pack it out for you. I don't like horses a whole lot until I look across an elk carcass and see a string coming my way. They look mighty fine right about then. Check out the local stores and restaurants for posters that these guys put up. Local meat processors may also have notices or cards.

But if you have to pack one out, and I have done it a couple times from way back in, bone out every single piece. Put the meat in large plastic bags but only so long as you are carrying it out - which might be the day. Then put in the best meat bags you can find (Cabelas does have some good ones). With luck, you own a very good backpack. If you don't, I'd get the best you can buy. For me, a cow elk is at least two trips (~175# of boned meat in the one that I weighed).


Save an elk, shoot a cow.