This is always a fun one.

If you ask folks who haven't worn out multiple barrels and seen them go thru their life cycles they'll say no to barrel break in.

If, you talk with people who have worn out multoiples of tubes and seen them go thru their life cycles they'll say by all means break it in!

I'm from the second camp.

The other thing you'll find is from people who don't break em in. Is that the tubes shoot well so they think that breaking in a tube doesn't do them any good...They're wrong. And if they shot them enough to go thru their life cycle they'd see why. But if they don't truly shoot much they'll never know the diff. And in all honesty, most people are in the camp of never shooting enough to wear out tubes.

Not wrong, just different.


"True respect starts with the way you treat others, and it is earned over a lifetime of demonstrating kindness, honor and dignity"....Tony Dungy