Judging from the number of people who come to me and ask what that thing is - and then show no sign of recognition when I say "Chronograph," I'd have to say that the majority of shooters not only don't have one but haven't a clue what one is.

I've long said that not every reloader needs one. Some of the posts above demonstrate what kind of reloader doesn't: the guy who doesn't push maximums, finds and keeps one or two good loads for his rifle, doesn't shoot much and does load development little if at all.

The guy who demands more of his loads needs one. The accuracy nut, the guy who likes to load to maximum, the guy who loads unusual or wildcat cartridges, or just the guy who loves to experiment - all those people need one. It needn't be the best one made, as long as it is mostly reliable.

The guy who writes about load development, works with cartridges or components for which there is no tested data, or is simply never happy with anything but the very best needs not just a basic unit but a premium one.

And then there's the guy one half-notch above even THOSE far-gone fanatics. That last guy needs a pressure measuring unit in addition to a top-end chronograph.

Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.