I have been looking for a new bow sight for my bow and have been unable to come up with one. I have been looking for a microadjust sight that doesnt take any tools. I was originally looking at the Hoyt Micro Elite and have seen it, but it is not the one that i have been looking for. The one i was looking for was one that had a lock that was finger-operable (dont know if that is a word, but Ill go with it). The ME has allen locks on it. I think the one that i am looking for is the 3D supreme, but i am not 100% sure that is the name. There is one they made by that name, but I dont know if that is it. Anyway, i just saw a sure-lock that i like, but it is getting close to $200 for the sight, so i was hoping to find what I want for less than that. I want all metal with metal pins, but the pins can change. Do any of you have any sights you think would fit the bill, or any info on the sights that i have mentioned? Any insight or comment would be appreciated.

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