Yes, it did. Unfortunately so.

The treestand hunter claimed to be on a dividing property line between public and private land. The property line had been cleared (blazed by surveyors) to delineate the two properties- and created a great shooting lane for the treestand guy.

My buddy was walking up the ridge along a deer path that ran alongside the private land and going towards the property line but never on it.

This treestand hunter claims he should have been the only one there because his treestand was on one of the private trees on private property- but he was bordering public land!!

The reason the guy refused to get down from his treestand is that he was on private land and told my buddy to take a hike!He also threatened my friend that if he came any closer to him he would charge him with trespassing even though at that point he was standing on the laneway created by the surveyors between the properties!

This unfortunately, is going to happen more and more...