Big sky,<BR>I have never done a 788 to a .284 parent chamber.However I can think of several reason not too.Like you figured the Magazine issue would need lots of time and effort to figure out to be reliable.<BR>Also the clearence on the rails might have to addressed.In the end however I suspect that it CAN be done.Just not economicly and as easy as a 700.<BR>Hold on to your hat because the 6mm-284 is catching on big,there is factory ammo out there now,and soon someone will be doing factory rifles in that chambering.<BR>If it's a full custom that you want however,<BR>I'll get out my notes and try to figure out the job on the 788 for ya.<BR>The big problem with the 788 is parts these days are getting slim.<BR>Nope no trigger for a 788 laying around,but I will try if ya need one.Just gimme a bump on the E-mail or and I'll see what I can't scratch up?<BR>Cheers!<BR>E4E<P>------------------<BR>Life is too short for inaccurate rifles,ugly women,and the webdoofus at

My Tractor ain't sexy!
My Rifle however, has issues with the matter.
The wife Definately ain't cornfused!
Good thing I have a Dog to come home to!!!!!!