Lots of ways you could go, and some of the ways will involve more money than you really need to delve into. I'd most likely go the way of finding a good smith via a good reference from someone you know and trust.

Then I'd get a good action (70 or 700) and a good barrel and a good handle and have him/her do the work for you.

While I've never had either Redneck and or Mickey Coleman from the fire do anywork for me I've heard so many fine things about them that I'd surely consider talking with them.

I'm thinking you could and should be able to have one built from these guys that shoots lights out and in a cost effective manner.

Lastly if you don't wish to go that way then I'd have Melvin (another fine fella) build you one of his NULA's.


"True respect starts with the way you treat others, and it is earned over a lifetime of demonstrating kindness, honor and dignity"....Tony Dungy