55 pounds does seem like a lot for just a daypack. Depending on my style of hunting and whatnot it can be as little as 20 lbs or as much as 35 pounds.

If I am day hunting out of an established basecamp that I didn't backpack into and can afford to bring a day pack along then the MR with the NICE/Longbow is my go to setup these days. I bring the basics and enough to allow me to bivy out if so desired which is truly just a simple shelter as most of my base camp hunting is done when chasing moose (in the trees usually) so staying warm with a fire isn't hard to do.

However if I backpack into the area and I am sheep or goat hunting I always plan on the fact that I might spot a monster goat or sheep and be required to sleep on the mountain that night ot get the drop. These hunts I don't have the luxury of hauling in a separate daypack. So I just drop the lid off my MR 6500 and take what I need in addition to my rifle and other stuff and go.

Really there are lots of variables in this. Such as what are you hunting does it require a spotting scope and tripod 5-7 pounds right there. Late aeason requiring warmer clothing being packed, desert where uber light raingear can get yoru by as oppose to SE AK where HH impertech is standard. Do you require a pack that can handle carrying out a load of meat or are you going to be going back for the horses or ATVs??

I am not a uberlight hunter by any means and know I take more than what I need often as far as survival things as most never gets used. However, I know there will be one time when all the years I spend dragging these extras around will more than pay for itself. laugh

GOod luck on lightening your load.