Hello Ed and all- I have followed this forum for several years but this is the first time I felt I had something to say worth adding- I carry an ultra lite block and tackle set up that I purchased from a marine supply store in Seattle- weighs just a few ounces. I cut my elk (or deer, whatever) in half at the third rib (from the back)and hang the half from a cross beam that I erect between two trees. Granted in the Panhandle it isn't a problem finding two trees. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of this set up. After years of boning elk on the ground, I am sold on this technique- there is some dinging around to do to get ready, but once the animal is hung it is much easier and cleaner (for me at least). I hunt by myself almost exclusively and have been able to get my animals hung by myself with less difficulty then you might think. I highly recommend this system- something to think about anyway. You may want to check out this thread for the brand I use http://www.kifaruforums.net/showthread.php?t=9758&highlight=block+tackle - I use the 3 purchase block
- rijrunr