moose I don't know the structure of the Colorado school system so can only advise on what I do know.

If you are going to get anywhere you must follow procedure. PITA to do that but trust me it is the only way to get things worked out.
First go to conference with the teacher. If you can get no satisfaction then:
Second take it to the principal. Principal is only going to know what the teacher has told them so be sure to have notes and as much documentation as you can in hand. No satisfaction there then:
Third take it to the school Superintendent. That is the principals boss. Who is only going to know what the principal chooses to tell them. Same documentation etc etc. If no satisfaction then:
Take it to the school board who are only going to know what the Supe has told them. The will have a natural bias to believe whatever they are told by the "Authorities" and will also be naturally biased for their employees and against your kid. Realize that going in. Keep your cool in the face of rampant stupidity and have all the documentation you can muster and you may get something done.

Jump through all the hoops and make sure to dot all i's and cross all t's.

You as a parent are dealing with "Educators" who are self admitted "experts" no matter how goofy they are.

Good luck


Quando Omni Moritati