Originally Posted by JasonB

The US governemnt did kill some US citizens that the US government put in to concentration camps in the 1940s. How many more US citizens could the US have killed before it would have been unseemly for several of you since putting US citizens in concentration camps in the first place isn't a problem for several of you and also taking actions leading to the deaths of come of those in the camps also isn't a problem.


Thanks, I always like to start out the day with a belly laugh.

Now, let me give you a quick education.

Using your word, 'some' internees were killed by guards when they tried to go outside the fences (commonly called an escape attempt) and two were killed in Manzanar during a riot when they tried to use a vehicle to attack the guards. That's it. There were no OVENS nor were there the infamous SHOWERS that the Germans used in Europe.

In actuality, many internees were allowed to live and work outside the camps. Doesn't sound like Auschwitz or Bergen-Belsen to me.

You're accusing the entire US Government of conspiring to kill internees just as the Nazis killed millions of Jews in Europe. That is classic liberal BS and is just another example of how the bed-wetters try to apply current standards to something that happened in the past.

Here's a couple of decidedly less severe examples of how standards and behaviors change over time. It hasn't been all that long ago that it was socially acceptable for people to sit wherever they wanted in a public restaurant and smoke cigarettes. How about whites only bathrooms, swimming pools or restaurants? Those were still in existence for quite awhile after WWII and are only recent changes.

The point I'm trying to make is that you cannot use the mindset of today's people to judge those who endured the Depression and then a sneak attack by the Japanese. It cannot be done dude.

Using what we know today, the use of internment camps was deplorable. However, they were considered to be necessary by the people of that era. They were NOT the death factories the Nazis set up and I do not condemn the US Government for using them.

Neither should you.

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world. - Thomas Jefferson