You'll have to excuse my relative lack of experience at shooting animals in the spine. The only animal I ever spined was a deer I hit in the spine with an arrow, having misjudged the distance by a few yards (Before I discovered rangefinders and faster bows). That animal needed a finishing shot. The only other information I have on the subject is second hand, so I won't include it here.

But as to the 300 grainers working at high velocities - you are correct. I tried slowing some down yesterday and shot through the phonebooks again. At 1700 fps, I shot completely through 14" of phone books, saw a spray of confetti out the back and lost the bullet. Added a couple more phone books and recovered the bullet at about 16", perfectly mushroomed to .695". Very enlightening...thanks for all the great information. I am learning about the big bores and having fun doing it.