As many have observed here, hogs can be either excellent table fare or absolutely terrible depending on all the factors mentioned, so I won't go over all of that again. I would only add that, assuming you've shot "tasty" versus "trophy," and field dressed/processed properly, I would almost always opt for a moist cooking method to prevent the lean meat from becoming dry or tough. I'm famous among my friends for my own "wine country boar roast" dinners. I won't give away ALL my secrets, but it involves slow cooking, completely submerged, in a crock pot... and served with a hearty, tangy gravy. (Think basic "hunter sauce" plus basalmic vinegar, white wine and herbs de provence in both the crock pot and sauce...) Get it right, and folks will be lining up at the door.

If you're fixin' to put a hole in something,
make it a hole to remember.