I'd NEVER rebore the original barrel. Instead, I'd simply get a new Green Mountain .50 caliber replacement barrel for your muzzle-loader and retain the original barrel if that is your desire.

That said, the .45 prb is just fine for whitetails out to 70-80 yards... no need to go "bigger"... the .45 will get the job done with ease as long as you place your shot within the "kill zone" which is true of even a .40 caliber which is legal for deer in some, but not all States.

If you "gut-shoot" a deer with a .50, .54 or even a .58 caliber ball, you have a "mess" on your hands. Better that you shoot it with the .45 which has lighter recoil and adequate "power" within that limited range I've already mentioned. I know a good many deer hunters who successfully use the .45 caliber rifles with a round, patched rifle ball to bring down their annual venison.

While the .50 is better, the .45 is more than "adequate" and will do the job if you get reasonable bullet placement. Case-in-point, most States allow the use of the .45 caliber rpb for deer hunting.

'Nuff said... good luck... smile

Strength & Honor...

Ron T.

It's smart to hang around old guys 'cause they know lotsa stuff...