I know the kind you are talking about Jim but these ones I have are a little dirrerent. They don't have the upper ring portion that hooks the ring base on one side and has the screws on the other side. They are aluminum and I messed around with trying to pop them on over the side of the old weaver 1" scope tube and they egg shape, they simply bend. I'm pretty certain these rings are ment to slide on really simple 1" scopes with no bell shaped ends.

I visited a friend of mine at a local hardware store this morning and we got talking about this. He said he has some inventory in the back of the store that they purchased from an old area sporting store that went out of business 10 years ago or so. He went in back and came out with a weaver swing away or "tip off" style set of rings & 1 piece base. Those rings had the hook & screw style ring caps.

The stuff was new old stock. I'm thinking about giving them a try, although tip offs wouldn't be my first choice.

10 bucks for the rings & base.

Can't beat the price but I'm not sure if I want them.

Something clever here.