People either have faith in them or they don�t, and for any particular individual you can�t prove anything either way. Although I believe there are studies which will indicate that in a sample population those with flu shots were infected less and/or had less severe cases of the flu than the population that didn�t get them.

1. You get the shot or you don�t get the shot and still get the flu. Could be you�d have gotten the flu anyway.

2. You get the shot or you don�t get the shot and don�t get the flu. Could be you wouldn�t have gotten it anyway. Or could be you�d have gotten the flu if you didn�t get the shot.

I get one every year because the hospital I work for gives them free to employees and I haven�t had the flu. Maybe I�m just lucky.

Also got shots for Hepatitis A and B and some other nasty disease before going to Africa. Also sprayed my clothes with Permethrin and used DEET while there. Did not get hepatitis and never got a tick bite.

Who knows? But it doesn�t hurt to err on the side of caution.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!