All "BG" aside but if I were to start looking for a big gun all over again I'd no doubt go 375 (over the 340). It's more user friendly especially in a rifle weight I'm willing to tote around these days.

My first 340 went 8 1/4 lb and from time to time wasn't all that much fun when I was shooting chucks/pd's etc. But, it was certainly manageable. Anymore, I don't wish to carry a rifle that heavy so for me the 375 would be the way to go.

By my way of thinking as long as I've a lightweight .270, my Mashburn that's a bit heavier and a 375 I could hunt the world several times over. And if I failed to fill an ark or three it wouldn't be cause of round choice.

As my Grandad once told me (when I was making excuses about a miss) the round will go where you direct it...grin


(side note and last bit of BG on this thread from me but when I go to comping rounds to see how they'll both run I always use a zero @ 100 so both rounds are starting out pretty much the same. IME using a zero of say 250 or so doesn't paint the true apples to apples pic. But, that's just my way and it don't have to be anyone elses)

Shoot straight and hunt often!

"True respect starts with the way you treat others, and it is earned over a lifetime of demonstrating kindness, honor and dignity"....Tony Dungy