The problem is all those John Doe's out there from far away places reading this chit chat and may or may not shoot 600 yards at there bench rested range under the controlled environment and think it is the same as in the field with know sandbags or time enough to put up the sticks or a place too and huff'n and puff'n let alone any adrenaline flowing.

It's like saying I saw Mike Tyson knock out I can too but never been in a fist fight...

I also passed a couple of years ago on a couple bulls on the move across a canyon up hill with wind gust..I went back the next year with a freezer box (marked for a kill zone) and laser finder and saw it was only 400 yards and my .300 Win Mag (without wind) put 'em close enough to have done the job but using a stump as a rest I didn't notice before with them ready to crest the ridge with little time to get 'er done.
