7-1/2's at point blank range in a house is going to get the job done. I agree no need for hot loads you want light recoil and fast follow up if needed. A lot of guys think (in their minds anyways) that they are tough guys and can handle any recoil. The difference is handling it and being in control of it. Ok you can handle it but you sure are not in control of it. Second is what if it isn't you behind the gun? What if it is the wife or kids? Personally I want the easiest gun for anyone in the house to be able to handle. Cause if I am home I am more then likely going to use the baseball bat and if I feel I need a gun the 1911 will be at my side. Of course I live in a non Castle law state. So I have to call 911 and while on the phone with them yell at the intruder that the police are on their way, I have a gun and if you come any closer I will have to shoot you, I said don't move! Bang. Well he wouldn't listen and he was right there a step away from my wife so I had to shoot. All of which is recorded on the 911 call so my azz is covered.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.