Originally Posted by Mule Deer
Just because a moose doesn't drop when hit doesn't mean the bullet isn't any good. Unless spined, a moose isn't nearly as likely as a deer to fall down when touched by a bullet. In fact they occasionally act like they're not bothered much at all.

True, true, and true, except I think there may be a better word than occasionally. I have had exactly three moose drop at the shot - with little rhyme or reason. The first was a 190 Hornady BTSP through the chest, broadside, and the animal; dropped. The second was a 225 TSX (340) through both shoulder joints which, no surprise, took out his forward gear and put him down though still very lively. The third was a 250 Gameking (340) which hit a loping bull at 200 yards; got him a bit farther back than intended, and angled forward from the point of the hip along and past the kidney and spine, missing both, but apparently stunning him so that he dropped immediately. His antlers caught in the ground when he fell and his momentum twisted his neck and head so his nose was pointed skyward when I finally found him. Had that not happened, I suppose he may have gotten up again, but he was dead when I finally found him. I looked, first, well beyond since he had disappeared immediately at the shot. 80-90% of the time I've put two, three, or four shots into moose to better assist gravity.

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.