Originally Posted by Steelhead
If I did a NULA I'd do a 20, but that's me.

+1 for the lighter weight.

I have been lucky enough to shoot both. For long range the GAP would be hard to beat because of the extra weight and stability. But for hunting where you carry the rifle for miles just to get a shot, the NULA makes alot of sense.
As I get older I am liking lighter rifles for just that reason, and I can still snap it to my shoulder at the end of a long hike to get that quick shot that the 8-9 pound rifle, unless very well balanced, will not alow.
As someone else said, if you have the money, buy both and use them alternately when conditions favor one or the other. Or try each for a year then sell the one you use less. Not like either one will lose much value during that time. smile

Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool !!

"Keep your booger hook off the bang switch until your sights are on the target".