Originally Posted by T LEE
THAT is why I work with my St. Vincent dePaul Society. It is the right thing to do and NOT .gov mandated!

Terry I KNOW exactly what you do and I wish more in the private sector would do the same.Hope you guys don't misinterpret my stance on this subject,I'm certainly NOT for bigger government entitlements but at the same time there are good people out there that need assistance.The ones abusing the system just as well be criminals IMO and I don't like it anymore than the rest of you.We do have a welfare state in place no bones about it,there needs to be a weening of the Govt teet that's for sure but my concern is for the innocent who bare the burden of their parents...to turn the other cheek on them is heartless...

You better be afraid of a ghost!!

"Woody you were baptized in prop wash"..crossfireoops
