My dad's family was from Sioux Falls and I went to grade school there from about 66 - 68 after Dad's Army career. Among our family and friends the only semi-auto I remember was what I think was a model 100 an uncle had. Rest were bolt guns, including a sporter Springfield my uncle Francis built for my grandfather when he took up gunsmithing. Shot my first deer with it at yet another uncle's in-laws near Montrose.

Not to say semi-autos weren't popular, just not among our group. K-Mart clothes would have been nice, ammo often came from there. Froze my ass off in stuff Dad picked up from the Army surplus store, on Phillips I think it was. laugh I don't know what's popular in SF these days, seems to be more talk about bolt actions.

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.