...is warm-blooded, can swim in bursts to ~45mph, travels intercontinentally, will inhale ten plus pound fish in a single bite, and can be taken within ten miles of land by those salty and lucky enough to get one to jump on a bait?

I give you a fine example of Thunnus thynnus, the mighty giant bluefin tuna. This baby was taken just hours ago by my two buddies with rod and reel. Its initial run was a quarter mile, pulling 45 lbs. of drag. It pulled the boat a mile and a half before they were able to stick it with a harpoon. Too big for the boat, so was dragged in. Weight was 1027 pounds. My boys got a grander. Unfreaking real. Way to go, you fishy bastids!

I still can't believe the quality of the pics. Rrrrr! wink

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