
340 didn't apologize because he regretted what he said, he apologized because some members got sand in their manginas and bein' influenced by the unusual level of whinging and breast-beating in the past few weeks, had a moment of weakness.

I strongly suggest we institute a new campfire rule: if you feel you gotta start an apology thread, take yourself offline for 12 hours before doing so, and before the said 12 hours have expired, complete the following assignment:

1. Go to the nearest firing range and put at least one full box of ammunition downrange.
2. Eat a large piece of red meat. Cooking it first is optional.
3. Drink at least 2 large adult beverages.
4. Have sex (with a human being of the opposite sex, if available). If no partner available, drink 2 more adult beverages, take your shirt off, flex your muscles in the mirror, and scream "F***" (this latter exercise is HIGHLY recommended by several former Gunsite instructors who shall remain nameless).

If, after completing these requisite exercises, you still feel you need to post an apology thread, you must submit a draft to Ingwe for prior approval, along with your mailing address so we can all send you a personalized, fresh Turdlike People membership card.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars