That's okay,
Have at it some more. Winter is coming fast upon us and times a wasting. That's why my wood gets done in the spring before planting season starts and gets ta finish cure'n up during tha heat of summer for the year after the coming winter. My coming winter's wood has already done cured one summer already and at the end of this summer is ready to go. Really well cured wood burns hotter so ya need less of it ta keep warm. That in turn allows ya ta get ahead of the curve for the following winter's wood and so on. But you'll find out fer yerselves. ALL of my wood has seen at least 2 summers worth of cure on 'em and most of tha stuff I'm a currently burning has 6-10 summers worth of cure on 'em. Lots of reserve wood that way fer if thar's a time when somethin keeps me from making more wood one year. Ya got ta plan ahead a wee bit unless ya like ta carry lotsa wood in from outside and clean tha stove pipe just fer fun.

Flower Child