Truly one of the more bizarre threads.... Some folks need to slow down, turn off the TV and THINK for a minute. What are the possible scenarios?

1. The Dems are afraid Herman will win the nomination and beat Obama. In that case, you release the accusations (true or fabricated, matters not) NOW as if he wins the nomination it's too late. Republicans and Obama haters will still vote for him. So, you release it now to get the Republicans to kill him now so he doesn't go up against bam bam. If the Dems think bam bam beats Cain they would NEVER start anything and quietly hope he wins the nomination. Perhaps even support him behind the scenes (in crossover primaries etc...)

2. A GOP rival or the dreaded 'establishment' don't like what Herman is offering and view him as a threat or view him as 'unelectable' (I love that term) in the general. In either scenario, you sabatoge him NOW. But you better be careful because if you attempt to float such allegations and they don't take root, you've now shot yourself in the foot with a 'tarnished' candidate leading the ticket. In that scenario you lose the battle AND risk losing the war. But if you REALLY view him as a threat to the status quo, perhaps it's a loss you are willing to take.

3. All the allegations are true and Herman is a hound dog who happens to go after women that don't have the spine or common sense to go public at the time of the harrasment, but instead wait 14+ years to simultaneously go public with the thoughtful and ever tactful guidance of Gloria for.... 'the good of the country'?

Pick your scenario.

Herman has hired attorney Lin Wood. To say he's decided to not roll over is an understatement.

NRA Lifer
"It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare." - Mark Twain
"Everybody has principles... until they are an inconvenience." - Me