Obviously I wrote that tongue in cheek. My wife is a naturalized United States citizen who grew up as the daughter of a German Metzger (butcher). There you can buy and sell venison which is highly prized.

When we first married she started hunting and being a lefty the M88 lever action became hers. She shot a few deer and feral hogs and dressed a few to learn but generally I took care of it. Unfortunately due to Raynaud's Syndrom that restricts circulation to the extremities in cold weather it became just to painful to continue hunting and she retired from it.

Like many who have been married awhile certain tasks become pretty much to one or the other. I usually already have deer quartered and in coolers when I come home, but this was so close I just did it here. In a few days when I cut it up she will be trimming and wrapping it for the freezer.

Before we married I used to gut a deer and go. After that I had to save all the items I mentioned plus the brain which I convinced her to give up due to CWD. By the time I finish skinning and cutting the deer today she had cooked and eaten the kidneys for lunch, had the tongue simmering and the liver plus the heart prepared to cook and in the freezer.

Oh, when she gave up hunting she took up belly dancing which she teaches in the adult continuing education classes at the local junior college in addition to making and selling both jewelry and costumes for belly dancers.

I am well satisfied. :-)

Last edited by Altjaeger; 11/12/11.