The GOP and conservatives are dedicated to preserving our country were individual rights are of primary importance and to maintain that which has made us the most successful country in the world.

The progressives are dedicated to the destruction of our country as we know it so they can build a progresive fascist paradise. Where they can enforce their will on the populace. Just like the Nazis, Communists and Fascists controlled their countries.

Look at how Obama and the progressives have targeted the 1%, they have focused the anger of the weak minded on this minority so that Obama and his crew could remain in power. This has had two benefits for Obama. First it has filled the media space, when it should be talking about unemployment, Solyndra, the deficit spending and all "great" accomplishments of Obama. Furthermore it has given him something to blame for his failures as president. "It was all the fault of those evil rich the 1% and their servents the Republicans."

Adolf had the Jews amd Obama has the 1%. We all know what happened to the Jews. It was the ultimate evil. Hopefully the same thing won't happen here. It is evil to prey on the weaknesses of people to gain political power. That is what Adolf did and that is what Obama is doing.

You complain about Fox News as being biased. They are the just about the only news media who gives both sides an opportunity to present their views fairly. The mainstream medis has abandoned the notion of objectivity and presenting the facts to inform their viewers. They have become agents of the progressive movement. Working for change hand in hand with the progressive movement.

Just look at their sickening performance in the 2008 election where they did everything possible to win the election for Obama. Just about every story on Obama was positive. Covering up his Reverend Wright failures, his drug dealing, his friendship with terrorists, his utter lack of accomplishments and that fact that he was pretending to be a moderate while being the most extreme liberal politician in the Senate. I don't think that anyone in the news media, except for Fox, asked him one difficult or challenging question.

While McCain was shafted by the mainstream news media. The best example of this is the frontpage story in the New York Times that claimed he had an affair with anonomous sources.

They are still at it today. Just a week ago or so a reporter asked Obama if the Republicans were stupid or evil. That says it all. Have you seen much in the news about Fast and Furious? For some reason the BATF started flooding Mexico with thousands of our guns with out making any attempt to trace the guns or arrest anyone. All the while Obama and Holder were promising the anti-gunners that they were working on gun control under the cover. This is a crime much worse than Watergate, yet the mainstream newsmedia is largely downplaying or ignoring it. If they weren't working for Obama they would be demanding Obama and Hoder's resignation or impeachment.

If you still believe in Obama and the progressive after the last 4 years you are one of them. Working for the destruction of our country, rebuilding it as a progressive fascist state.

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